Discover How Burnt Out Working Moms Solve Their Thyroid Issues and Start Feeling Like Themselves Again.


Exhausted. Gaining Weight. Frustrated. It never stops.


It’s finally time to have more energy, without taking another pill.

You can lose that unwanted weight that keeps you from feeling happy and confident, and actually keep it off long-term.

Most importantly, you can gain back your life so you can spend quality time with family and friends, and do the things you love.

“Health is a state of complete mental, social and physical well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

– World Health Organization, 1948


“My biggest challenge was all the circles you go thru with doctors that they won't always check in blood tests what you really need. I was told so often oh you're in range. And nothing was done, my hair was falling out so bad, no energy, I would have maybe 1 good day a week. I was one of those people that when I joined this group I sat back and would read everyday about women who were saying they feel the same as me. So I contacted Christina and She was AWESOME!! I was stunned on everything she was going to help me with. Since starting my hair is fuller, still falling out but not so bad! I'm eating better, I take quality vitamins and exercise when I can. I don't push to hard. I'm 5ft was 88 lbs, now I'm 100 lbs (yay) Christina is there for you no matter what, I've been to the point of not playing with my 4 Grandbabies, to now running around the house chasing as they giggle!!! I have so many more good days than bad! Christina has been there for me even when I have what I call a dumb question, well she never thinks any questions are dumb. She is a wonderful life coach. My doc even was shocked on what I told him about some of the tests I did. You get an in depth evaluation from Christina and she has helped me thru so much!!! So if someone out there is SNOOPIN like I was, just know you can trust Christina TO HELP!!”

free guide

7 Functional Tips To Speed Up  Metabolism & Have Consistently High Energy

Get started for free with my easy-to-follow process for shifting your body and gaining back that energy that you’ve been missing out on for too long.

“After years of mediocre medical care, and still suffering, I turned to Functional Medicine. It felt like a warm hug from your best friend. My health finally improved and I waved goodbye to many of the symptoms.”